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VOICE 2012: Day 1
Red Carpet Reception Opens VOICE 2012,
Stage Set For Four Days At Huge Conference
June 12, 2012
By John Florian
See Day #2 / Days 3 & 4 / Day # 5

(VOXtra) - The voice over paparazzi were ignited - cameras and smiles flashing - as the traditional Red Carpet Reception Tuesday night opened VOICE 2012, the worldwide conference of voice actors now under way at the Disneyland Hotel and Resort in Anaheim, CA.

Some 400 voice actors have registered for the VoiceOver International Creative Experience (the event's official name), co-produced by voice over trainer/producer James Alburger and voice talent/trainer Penny Abshire (pictured, with voice talent Trish Basanyi, center).

Ahead: four days of educational sessions, networking, browsing the exhibit hall, and impromtu socializing, capped by a Saturday night celebrity banquet.

"This is the most beautiful group of voice actors we've ever had at a VOICE conference," says Abshire. "Beauty - the way we look, but also how everyone is helping everyone else here."

Indeed, the giant meet-and-greet Tuesday night was a showy time, as evidenced by these shots from the VoiceOverXtra camera ...

Karyn O'Bryant, Gillian Martin, Dawn Harvey, Sherry Shoblom

John Florian, Karen Gerstman, Dave Courvoisier

Pamela Tansey, Bettye Zoller

Dan Lenard, Larissa Gallagher, George Whittam

Dustin Erbaugh, Herb Merriweather, Kirissa Shipp Ebaugh, William Williams


Now enjoy more of VOICE 2012 with the experiences and perspectives of our guest bloggers (listed alphabetically) ...

Bobbin Beam,  
Andy Boyns,
Dave Courvoisier,  
Anne Ganguzza,    
Randye Kaye,
Such A Voice, 
William Williams,

Your Daily Resource For Voice-Over Success
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Comments (2)
Jay Lloyd
6/14/2012 at 7:52 PM
John...thank you for your coverage! I know you'll provide a whole host of photos, notes, lessons, and various other coverage! I will be following you and your bloggers! THANKS! Jay.
Pamela Tansey
6/14/2012 at 1:07 AM
Thanks for the Ladies in Red shot, John! (^;
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