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VOICE 2012: Days 3 & 4
The Shows Within The Show ...
Friday's Garden Party With Joe 
June 14 and 15, 2012
See Day #1 / Day #2 / Day # 5

By John Florian


(VOXtra) - Showmanship counts in the voice over biz, and the array of sessions are entertaining as well as educational at VOICE 2012 - the huge voice over conference this week at the Disneyland Hotel and Resort in Anaheim, CA.

I've been running between sessions and the exhibit hall, plus networking in the halls, and along the way have caught:

... Dan Lenard and George Whittam - the East-West Audio Body Shop guys taping this Sunday night's show (pictured above chatting with VOICE co-producers James Alburger and Penny Abshire), and earlier, honing their wit while imparting home studio info during a packed presentation.

.... Voice talent / agent Erik Sheppard prancing about the stage, stomping on voice over myths.

... Voice talent / trainer Terry Daniel showing up pajama-clad in a riotous start to the Super Socials social media presentation featuring Terry, Trish Basanyi and Dave Courvoisier. And then taping a future Voice Over Cafe podcast (seen here: Trish and Terry interviewing Tom Dheere).

There's been so much more happening concurrently. Fortunately, VOICE offers attendees free downloads of all recorded presentations after the conference - and that's how we'll get to see everything.


An LA-style Garden Party brought us into the sunshine Friday afternoon, where host voice over star Joe Cipriano was mobbed for photo requests (seen here, Jack Bair -right - snapping Jimmy Kavadeas and Joe).

And of course, the VoiceOverXtra Cannon was firing on both days, too ..

Dianne Merritt, one of many getting tattoo from Anne Ganguzza

Elley-Ray Hennessy and Benita Ellena

Adrianne Baughs-Wallace, Birdie Bush, Karen Richter, Karen Gerstman

VO Buzz Weekly's Stacey Aswad and Chuck Duran

Dan Lenard taping EWABS show with Celia Siegel

Paul Pape, Joe Cipriano, Scott Rummell, Dean White

Simone Fojgiel, Terry White, Dave DeAndrea

Pearl Hewett and Michael Porter

Jon Morss, Tony Oliver, Luis Garcia

Dave Fennoy, Steve Cilurzo, Penny Abshire, John Wray

Billy James and Diane Merritt

John Florian and Joe Cipriano


Winning VoiceOverXtra's daily contest for a Voice Actors Hat were:
  • Thursday: Nancy Battey, and
  • Friday: Jon Morss
Now enjoy more of VOICE 2012 with the experiences and perspectives of our guest bloggers (listed alphabetically) ...

Bobbin Beam,  
Andy Boyns,
Dave Courvoisier,
Anne Ganguzza,
Randye Kaye,
Such A Voice,
William Williams,

Your Daily Resource For Voice-Over Success
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Comments (3)
Pamela Tansey
7/8/2012 at 10:46 PM
Ditto George.....i find the relaxed atmosphere and unscripted dialogue priceless! It is also the BEST seeing you again, JF!
George Whittam
6/16/2012 at 12:51 PM
The mixers and parties in my opinion are THE best reason to get out to VOICE conferences, they are a ton of fun and you get to rub elbows with the best the VO business has to offer! Thanks for capturing Dan and I in our glory, John.
David Van Sise
6/16/2012 at 12:29 PM
Oh it hurts not being able to be a part of such a great gathering!!
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