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How To Prepare To Compete In The Expanding
VO Niche Of Localization: Dubbing And ADR
March 1, 2022

By Steven Renata
Managing Director, Kiwa Digital

The recent explosion of content for streaming services makes it clear: This is one of the best times in entertainment history to be a voice over performer.

At the same time, the rapid rise in TV and film content – not to mention a host of other projects, ranging from commercials to corporate videos – has led to turnaround times that are tighter than ever before.

Particularly in the lucrative translation market, scripts are delivered with closer and closer to the deadline for final, recorded audio, which means casting directors, voice over directors and post-production managers have less and less time to work through every step of the process.

The end result?

Performers also have less time to prepare for their roles, yet the expectation is even greater that the finished product will be flawless.


One of the fastest-growing segments of voice over work is localization – or, dubbing a TV series or film from its original language into English, and vice versa.

Until the last few years, this was a highly specialized area with fewer opportunities for work, particularly because non-English films tended to be subtitled rather than dubbed. However, with the growth of Netflix, Amazon and other streaming services, series created in other languages are increasingly popular – Squid Game, Money Heist and Lupin are among the most successful se