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New Audiobook Narrators Survey Reports
Begin Next Week - First, APAC & The Audies
May 26, 2015

(VOXtra) - We hope you've been following and gaining insights in the recent reports from VoiceOverXtra's Audiobook Narrators Business Survey 2015. Links to those reports are below, and concluding next week are reports featuring the comments from 300 participants on:
  • satisfaction with income vs. time spent on narrating/editing
  • their current situation and thoughts about the audiobook industry, and
  • how to get work with the major publishers.
Meanwhile, we're off to New York to attend APAC - the annual conference of the Audio Publisher's Association (APA) on May 27 - and the Audie Awards® Gala on May 28, also presented by the APA. Look for VoiceOverXtra features on both events.


And here are your links to recent survey reports covering a wide range of info about audiobook narrators, including their audiobook preferences, how they record, and income:

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