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Name: Rick Wasserman
Company: Bookable Voiceover
Training / Coaching
Voice Coach
Career Coach
Production Studio
Demo Production
Audio Production
For a decade, BOOKABLE Voiceover has provided voiceover training and demo production resulting in clients achieving their VO goals, including gaining confidence and finding joy behind the mic, attaining suitable and effective representation, and consistently booking jobs that earn a living wage.

Under the direction of Rick Wasserman, an MFA faculty member and 25-year voiceover veteran (15 year voice of AMC Network, voice of Thor and Hulk for Marvel, Broadway debut in The Lion King), BOOKABLE has helped absolute beginners to seasoned pros through private one-on-one coaching, workshops and masterclasses, conventions and lecture tours.

Clients can expect to learn development and application of a voice acting process, the technical demands of sound recording, the business side of the industry, and mentorship extending beyond the classroom.

BOOKABLE Voiceover is dedicated to cultivating practical and replicable skills that can be applied immediately in the professional world. Free consultations and first sessions are always discounted.

"We know VO!""I do what I teach. I do it every day. And I love what I do."
- Rick Wasserman, Director/Coach
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