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Name: Scott Taylor
Company: Affordable Voice Talent
Address: 191 Woodfield Road
Address: Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M4L 2W8
Phone: 416-523-5748
Casting Service
Casting: Online
Online casting service offers 81 languages of ethnic voice talent, including 400 professional voice talents for Afrikaans, African Kiswahili-Swahili, African Kikuyu-Gikuyu, Arabic, Australian, British, Burmese, Caribbean, Chinese Cantonese, Chinese Mandarin, Chinese Taiwanese, , Czech, Danish, Dutch, Farsi, Finnish, Flemish, French Canadian, French European, German, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian,  Indonesian Bahasa, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lao Laotian, Malaysian, Nepalese, Nigerian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi,  Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Spanish Catalan, Swedish, Tagalog, Thailand, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urban, Urdu, North and South Vietnamese, with more languages upon request.  

Types of voice overs include Commercials, Narrations, Characters, Animation ant "Ethnic Voice Talent" from around the Globe, plus Radio/TV and Website, Voice Imaging, Multi-media, Flash/PowerPoint Narration, On-Hold, In-Flight and In-Store voiceovers.    
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