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Name: Tish HIcks
Company: The VO DOJO
Address: Burbank, CA
Phone: 818-732-1744
Training / Coaching
Voice Coach
Marketing Coach
Career Coach

Tish Hicks is the founder and Master Sensei of the V.O. Dojo. She has been a highly successful L.A. voice over artist for over 15 years and is as smart, down-to-earth and nurturing as her signature voice, which was the voice of Citibank for six years. Tish's background as an actress, singer, kickboxer, shamanʼs apprentice, and her years in the V.O. trenches combine to create a "fierce kindness" - a blending of real-world experience, spiritual truth, and a deeply wacky sense of humor - as she shares her love of the art form and business of voice over. For more info, visit

The V.O. Dojo is a training, networking, and resource center connecting voice over actors of all levels, from those with an initial spark of interest to seasoned V.O. professionals. Inspired by the discipline of martial arts and the fun and playfulness of improv, they encourage voice over artists to approach their craft fearlessly and with the wisdom of a warrior. The Dojo takes a unique and holistic approach to the business of voice over, concentrating not only on formal skills and techniques, but also on the mind/body/spirit connection necessary to communicate your truth and connect with your audience.

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