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Come To The Voice Over Cafe - New VO
Show With Terry Daniel & Trish Basanyi

April 20, 2012

(VOXtra) - They're back! The fun-loving, wise-cracking team of veteran voice actors Terry Daniel and Trish Basanyi returns to VO podcast-land with the Voice Over Cafe, a new interview and variety show.

It's "Voice over news served piping hot," says Terry.

Recorded in a laid-back but busy cafe (or so it seems), the Cafe has a full menu of guest interviews and features like the "Legal Minute" with voice actor / attorney Rob Sciglimpaglia (author of the new Voice Over LEGAL e-Book), "The Voice Over Cafe Mailbag," a "Random Skype Call" (with no warning to the recipient), Terry-Trish banter and more.

Grab a coffee, tea or whatever and click here for Episode #1, just released. Average running time for each episode is 30 minutes.


Terry explains the history of his team podcast with Trish ...

"A few years back, Trish  and I recorded 20 episodes of Voice Overs on Demand, a podcast that quickly earned a steady following of voice over pros and students.

"We interviewed guests like Joe Cipriano, Randy Thomas and Rodney Saulsberry, just to name a few. We were very candid the way we went out about our business on this show. We kept it educational, but didn’t take ourselves too seriously because we wanted it to be a fun show.

"This year, our new podcast begins where VOD left off.

"We decided on the Voice Over Cafe title because we were looking for that laid back coffee shop vibe. This is going to be fun!"


Terry Daniel has been in voice overs for more than 20 years, today specializing in technical and medical narration. He volunteers his services for ASPCA - the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and is managing partner and creative director for the Voice Over Club, a voice over training organization.

Trish Basanyi is a versatile voice actor heard often in radio imaging, television promos and corporate multimedia projects including narration for streaming video, DVD marketing and website design. She is also a popular choice by Fortune 400 companies for voice over projects, and also specializes in real estate virtual tours, product marketing and on-hold phone systems.

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Comments (1)
Linda Ristig
4/22/2012 at 3:25 PM
Yay! Trish and Terry are the best! How great to hear they're getting together for a podcast once again! Happy news!
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