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No monkeying around (except in a poster): This former porch is a tidy and well-equipped home studio-away-from-the-radio station. Walls are totally covered by acoustic foam. Below: Diane at her radio mic.
Diane Merritt
Voice Talent & Radio Personality
I had a screened-in porch doing nothing, so I enclosed it and my home studio was born.
With the help of my husband, children and friends, the studio came together piece by piece, as I reinvested my voice-over earnings into the studio. In fact, I became a studio junkie, wanting more and more stuff and gadgets.
But then I came to realize that I have all I need. And Merritt Productions has been in business now for over two years. Not only can my voice-overs be heard coast-to-coast, but also in Singapore, Shanghai, Dubai and Paris! Life is soooo good!
This is in addition to my radio show – part-time now, on the weekends, since becoming a full-time mom.

In my home studio, I use a Neumann TLM 103 mic. Also:
  • dbx 286A mic preamp/processor
  • JBL speakers
  • Behringer Eurorack UB1204 Pro Board
  • Dell PC
  • Adobe Audition 1.0 recording software
  • Stanton C.500 dual CD player
  • Complete music and SFX library
Acoustic foam soundproofing totally covers the walls.
Oh, and the monkey on the wall? Well, when shopping at Target that poster just stopped me in my tracks. I couldn’t think of a better poster for my studio.
And outside the studio is a very cool “On Air” sign to keep the kids from barging in while I’m recording. Well worth the money!
Diane Merritt is a weekend radio personality (29 years) currently on the air at WSEA/WSYN in Myrtle Beach, S.C. Her voice-over accents and attitudes – Northern, Midwestern, Southern, child, teen, middle age, senior and characters - are heard in a full range of voice-overs worldwide.
In addition to a growing voice-over career, Diane is a weekend radio personality at WSEA/WSYN in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
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