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See Proposed SAG-AFTRA Merger
Details; Join AFTRA Before Fee Hike?
February 7, 2012

(VOXtra) - Members of AFTRA and SAG will receive ballots later this month for a historic vote on whether to approve a proposed merger of the two major performers' unions.

As reported earlier, approval of the new SAG-AFTRA would hike the current AFTRA initiation fee from $1,600 to $3,000. And entry requirements would stiffen.

So if you've been considering joining AFTRA (American Federation of Television and Radio Artists), doing so now would save you money. For the current AFTRA entry requirements, visit

Of course, many other things would change with a merger.

Click here for details of the proposed merger, recently approved by the boards of both unions.

And much more info is available at the new website,

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Comments (1)
Larry Culley
2/8/2012 at 7:49 AM
Thanks for bringing this critically important information to your readers, John. Decisions by many will now have to be made.
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