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Voice Actor George Washington III
Greets Holiday In Baritone Solo

December 23, 2011

(VOXtra) - When we recently heard George's solo in this stirring performance of Go Where I Send Thee, we asked George for permission to share the wonderful song with you, and to tell us about it and his voice over career. First, enjoy the song ...

By George Washington III

Voice Actor

For 10 years, I regularly performed with Opera Carolina, the professional opera company of Charlotte, NC and the oldest continuously operating opera company in the Southeast.

Time and life have cut down on those opportunities, though I still voice their radio and television commercials, and I still get occasional chances to sing in a professional setting.

This year, I was asked to perform with VOX, a choral group here in town directed by David Tang, in a performance that would be streamed on WDAV-FM, our local NPR classical music station.

Called Charlotte Lessons and Carols 2011, it featured a number of fine performances, and finished up with Go Where I Send Thee, arranged by Andre Thomas and performed by VOX, with me providing the baritone solo.


My voice over career has not called for many singing opportunities, though I recently sang a Christmas carol for a Meijer's radio ad.

But it has afforded me some great opportunities to voice for companies large and small, and given me the chance to be the voice of a sports network, ROOT Sports Northwest in Washington State, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and Alaska.

And by singing and letting people know that I can offer that as well, it has opened lines of conversation that may not have been there before.


To me, that's why it is important that you be willing to present yourself as a whole person, and not just a voice.

The other things you do may spark an item of interest in a potential client, and open doors you did not even know were there.

Enjoy the music, and I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season!

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Comments (4)
Ron Whittemore
12/25/2011 at 11:47 PM
Excellent George!! Loved it!!
Rosi Amador
12/24/2011 at 11:36 AM
BEAUTIFUL George! Loved hearing this and Kudos to John for posting it!

I agree, George, that letting clients know you sing adds a whole other dimension to their seeing you as a whole person. Brian and I have had the same experience. No doubt like you, we feel we've gained new friends in the biz directly as a result of sending music we've composed and sung to new colleagues. Music offers such a direct connection to our humanity - it truly exposes the most vulnerable parts of who we are. It is great to share it and you do it so beautifully, George.

I'm honored to hear you sing and to now be your friend, thanks to our VO community.
RoseAnn Evans
12/24/2011 at 9:43 AM
love listening to george any time! got to sing with him many times at opera carolina...he's as wonderful a person as he is a singer!
Rick Lance
12/23/2011 at 4:31 PM
Lordy, Lordy... I'm a believer!
The power of the voice... spoken or sung!

Enjoy the season, GWIII!
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