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Super Bowl Commercial Inspires The Ninth Day:
So God Made An Audio Engineer ...
February 5, 2013
(VOXtra) - If you caught the Dodge Super Bowl commercial Sunday night, where Paul Harvey voices "God Made A Farmer" (on the eighth day), you might have been moved. Voice actor/engineer Zak Miller (pictured) sure was
And it occurred to Zak that audio engineers deserve a tribute, too. So very quickly he produced this short video: The Ninth Day ...
VoiceOverXtra asked Zak what prompted him to create The Ninth Day ...
"While watching the Super Bowl I was grabbed by the voice of Paul Harvey and drawn into the Dodge commercial," he says.
"Not only did it touch my heart because of the story of the American farmer, but it brought back great memories of sitting around the livingroom in the evenings in Spain, where my family lived in the late '70s and early '80s, listening to Paul Harvey on Armed Forces Radio.
"I loved Paul's voice and his storytelling abilities. 
"And while listening to this commercial I was moved to write the words about my version of an American farmer of voices. The audio engineer.
"In 1997 I started work at a studio that only had two engineers at the time, and a ton of sessions. There were many 16- to 18-hour days, many events in my child's life that I missed due to deadlines that had to be met, and I can't tell you how many talent studios I helped to quiet with tricks over the phone, or how many talent or studios called me for framing issues with another ISDN codec, or even how many Telco reps I spoke to and told them that "No... it has to be voice AND data going in both directions on BOTH "B" channels!
"The unsung heroes of the audio world are the studio engineers, and I hope that this brings to light some of the things an engineer will do to get the job done."

Zak Miller is a voice over talent and audio engineer, splitting time between the two for more than 20 years for a wide variety of clients, from mom-and-pop to Fortune 500 companies, on more than 7,000 scripts. When not working, he's on the water surfing, or helping autistic children discover the magic of riding waves through Surfers with Autism.


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Comments (4)
Zak Miller
2/5/2013 at 4:30 PM
Guys, thanks for all the love! It was my pleasure to create this homage to not only Paul Harvey, but to audio engineers as well!

Oh, and "Laces Out Dan!"
Dan Marino
2/5/2013 at 2:27 PM
Well done, Zak...maybe next year the fins will be in the Super Bowl and you can voice and produce the next favorite spot.
Fred Humberstone
2/5/2013 at 1:47 PM
Great work Zak, but when did you ever find the time? Thanks for sharing.
2/5/2013 at 5:58 AM
And on the Ninth Day after labouring tirelessly on mic and off mic, God said to Zak, "Son, your work is done. Go forth, rest and recreate with the family, for tomorrow surely brings another VO challenge with egos large and small and technology that STILL needs the subtle caress of an audio engineering pro. Amen."

South Australia
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