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Voicing Around On An Autumn Night:
Halloween Podcasts Dish Up A Fright
October 31, 2018

(VOXtra) - Tonight when the candy trays are empty and the ghouls, witches and whatever have retreated to their homes to count their treasures, switch off the lights and sink into another eerie world created by voice actors in these Halloween-inspired podcasts.

"They're the result of gathering a few of my most talented friends in our L.A. studio one crisp autumn night a few years back, after divvying up roles between the apple cider and donuts," says Kate McClanaghan, founder of Actor's SOUND ADVICE.

Three of the recordings are adapted from Ray Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles: The Earth Men, Night Meeting, and The Silent Towns. The fourth, Walter's Reason, was written and narrated by Kate.

Booooowhaaaahaaaa! Dare you click on these tonight?

Thanks for sharing, Kate!
Kate McClanaghan is founder of Actor's SOUND ADVICE, a personalized voice-over coaching and demo production service available online world-wide. She has cast, produced, trained and voiced thousands of voice-overs for more than 30 years, and as a casting director and producer has produced commercials (McDonald's, SPRINT, State Farm, IBM, Chase and many more), plus corporate narration, TV, film, animation, web and new media for scores of national and regional brands. She is also author of The SOUND ADVICE Encyclopedia of Voice-Over & The Business of Being A Working Talent, soon to be in it's 4th edition. She written seven additional books on acting, voice-over and how to forward a career.


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