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In This Season Of Thanksgiving,
Give Yourself The Gift Of Gratitude
November 21, 2017

By Christi Bowen
Voice Actor

Starting each day by acknowledging the things I'm grateful for and giving thanks for them...has changed my whole attitude in life and business.  

There are so many things to be thankful for in life. This time of year it's more in the cultural landscape as we have just celebrated Veteran's Day and now plan our Thanksgiving celebrations with family and friends. 

It's also a busy time of year and one that has us increasingly stressed. Knowing what you're thankful for can help you be the best version of yourself...even in the toughest of times.  


Starting from a place of gratitude helps me set my goals; not only on a daily basis, but on a monthly and yearly basis for my business. When I know authentically what makes me happy, that's when I know I'm at my best for myself and my clients.  

This same idea of gratitude can work for business pursuits, as well. 

Whether you own your own business or work for someone else, everyone is searching for their true brand identity - that authentic voice. 

Being 100% who you are is the foundation of knowing your brand. That comes from a place of being grateful for what you have in life.  


Try something for me:  For the next week, write down six things you're grateful for (three personal, three business) every morning. 

See if after a week you don't have an attitude change about something! Hopefully one for the better. 

That attitude change could lead you to make a better business decision, appreciate a family member more, or just open your eyes to something you had previously been ignoring. 

In this season of Thanksgiving, give yourself the gift of gratitude. I hope your professional and personal life will be better for it.  
Christi Bowen has over 20 years experience in voice over and video production. She graduated from the University of Florida where she fell in love with writing, voicing and producing local radio spots. Her course shifted to film and TV production for a number of years, including working on Hollywood features. But voice overs were always Christi's true love. Getting back into full time voice work five years ago, Christi has developed a roster of clients all over the world and on many types of projects - from commercials and corporate narrations to e-learning modules and phone systems.


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Comments (2)
11/22/2017 at 9:50 AM
Very nice Christi. I know this comes from your heart.
Judy Fossum
11/21/2017 at 10:29 AM
So, so true Christi. Back when I was in high school my brother (who is 14 years older than me) asked me to name 25 things I was grateful for. And truth be told, it was a bit of a challenge for me. I knew that I had a lot to be thankful for, but somehow verbalizing it was for some reason difficult. I did finally complete the list after some time. I’ve found, at least for me, that over the years the more I’m grateful for the more I find to be grateful for :). Thank you for the post, Christi. Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Holidays.
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