VOICE OVER CAREER Nice Chat About Voice Over (And A '72 Beetle) On Voice Acting With Veronica Barrera Podcast By John Florian VoiceOverXtra Any time we talk with a voice over colleague it's a pleasant conversation. Sometimes it starts a little personal, then gets to shop talk, and most always ends with a "catch you later" good feeling about the chat. Such was my recent conversation with voice actor Veronica Barrera. Actually, it was a recorded chat for Veronica's popular podcast interview series, Voice Acting with Veronica Barrera. On the personal side about me you'll learn about my '72 Volkswagen Beetle convertible. Shop talk begins with how VoiceOverXtra - the VO industry's online news, training and resource center - came into being (in 2007). We then move into home studio, advice for newcomers, demos and much more. Want to listen in? Here ya go ... Thanks, Veronica! Catch you later. AND ABOUT VERONICA ... Veronica is a voice actor and designer whose podcast has evolved
from "humble beginnings" to interviews with the industry's well-known
and top professionals. These include voice actors, casting directors,
tech experts, singers, producers and more. "The podcast is to help anyone who is looking to get into voice acting or is already established," she says. As of |
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