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'Parenting In The Digital Age' - VO Bill Ratner
& Daughter Arianna Tonight On VOBS Webcast
October 1, 2018

(VOXtra) -
Parenting is not easy. Add the complications of social media - and now, a father-daughter who are excelling in the same career.

In this case, it's versatile voice-over star Bill Ratner, whose daughter Arianna is an accomplished voice actor in her own right, in commercials and video games.

And Bill has just published an insightful book: Parenting in the Digital Age.

It's a topic ripe for your listening and questions tonight as father-daughter appear as special guests on the Voice Over Body Shop (VOBS) webcast, starting at 6 pm PT / 9 pm ET on

"It will be a great night of stories and VO tips for all," promises Dan Lenard (the Home Studio Master), who co-hosts the webcast with George Whittam (VO audio tech guru). 

"Bill is one of Hollywood's premier voices and storytellers," Dan adds. "He voices movie trailers, documentaries, cartoons, games and promos, and appears at storytelling conferences and festivals.

"He is a nine-time winner of the The Moth Story SLAM, and two-time winner of The Best of The Hollywood Fringe Festival Extension for solo performance."

You can send questions for Bill, Arianna and the guys now to And they will answer questions posted in the live, interactive chatroom during the webcast.

Always unpredictable and chocked with valuable how-to info on home studio technology - and all things voice over - this Monday night webcast has earned a large following for the many hundreds of live and recorded episodes. Plus, it features news and VO how-to advice from VoiceOverXtra. And a lively chatroom is a show in itself!

The online event starts at 9 pm Eastern; 8 pm Central; 7 pm Mountain; 6 pm Pacific.

Past shows can also be viewed any time on YouTube and at the VOBS website:


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