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Connect With Your Breath To Power Up
Your Voice-Over Auditions. Here's How ...

By Jean-Marc Berne
Voice Actor & Coach

Sometimes all you need is to reconnect to your breath to create a state of calm and mindfulness in your body.

Why do I bring this up and how does this relate to voice-overs?

If you're a working voice talent you know how stressful it can be to be running from one audition to the other and rushing to make it on time. This can create a state of anxiety and throw you off your game when preparing for an audition.

So what do you do?

First off, I recommend that you give yourself extra time to arrive about 20 minutes before your audition time.

Then, connect with your breath.

One of the things I teach all my clients is that your breath is your center of power. It fuels your lungs and your whole body, which in turn, powers your performance.


To start, breathe in through your mouth.

Place one hand right below your belly button, on your diaphragm. Take a deep breath through the mouth. You should feel your diaphragm expanding frontwards, to the sides, toward your back, and down toward your pelvis.

Feel that? This is your full lung capacity.

Now this next part is a breathing technique that I have borrowed from one of my mentors, Manuel Herrera, and have adapted with some Yoga technique. It's called "Square Breathing." This is how you do it:
  • First, take a deep breath through the mouth for 5 seconds.
  • Pause for 5 seconds.
  • Exhale for 5 seconds.
  • Pause for 5 seconds.
  • Repeat cycle at least three times.
This exercise will help you feel relax