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How To Know When To Ditch 'Catch 22' Fears
And Move Your Voice-Over Career Forward
March 29, 2018

By Celia Siegel
Voice-Over Talent Manager

You may have realized that at every turn in your voice-over career, there's a Catch-22:
  • You need a great demo to get a great agent - but you need to be making money to pay for the great demo.
  • You need agents to get jobs - but you need jobs to get agents.
  • You need a brand that stands out - but it's an investment to pay for the brand.
  • You need time to audition - but you need money to make time.
Does this ever make you feel confused? You may feel like you're constantly at the end of a cliff, questioning whether you should take a leap of faith.

Yet taking the next step is not just about crossing your fingers - it's about being strategic!

Here are some tips for when to take the leap.

1. You can afford the investment. What do successful people have in common? They keep learning and keep investing in themselves. The minute you can afford it, invest in yourself.

2. Your heart says yes. Is this right for your business? Is this right for you? If you wake up in the morning and go to sleep at night with it nagging at you, it probably is. When your heart says yes, it's important to listen.

3. You've hit a plateau.
If you're booking as many jobs as you can, and you're not sure how to keep improving, it's time to make a shift.

4. Your booking ratio is going up. When you're consistently booking a higher percentage of jobs, it's a good sign of things to come.

5. You've consistently hit your financial goal for at least 4 months in a row. (For really big leaps, like moving across the country, I recommend 12 months.)

6. You've got connections. If you're immersed in the industry and the community - and know key players who can help you career improve, it's a good time to leverage opportunities.

7. You are getting the green light from the business.
When you belong in this industry, you are not in a bubble. You are interacting in positive ways. Pay attention to the feedback you are getting from your efforts. Sometimes the VO industry chooses you and sweeps you into the tide. Listen to the signs.

When success is on the horizon, the signs will be everywhere, and you won't be lost in Catch-22 Land. But always have a strategy and a plan.
Celia Siegel is the founder of Celia Siegel Management, widely recognized for building strong personal brands for voice talent. Before creating CSM, Celia was a respected talent agent with stints at CESD, JE and Wehmann. A brand builder, certified life and business coach, success strategist and talent manager, she has advanced the careers of top VO talent for more than two decades, helping voice actors across the globe to successfully brand and grow their VO businesses. In her first book, VoiceoverAchiever, she shares her winning formula for creating standout brands that ignite standout careers.



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Comments (2)
4/1/2018 at 4:16 PM

Great article and it all makes sense as I look to embark further on my voiceover career!
Elizabeth Holmes
3/29/2018 at 11:12 AM
Super helpful advice, Celia! Thank you so much for sharing these practical tips. It's great to have objective benchmarks like this when you're at a crossroads.
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