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MO-JOE Friday Videos, Episode 22:
Are You A 'Yes' Person?

May 4, 2018

Voice talent-producer-VO Booth Camp trainer Joe Loesch advises us to not shy away from challenges. Rather, become a "yes" person - a problem solver. In this new MO-JOE Friday video, Joe shares principles that will positively revolutionize your personal and business lives ...


On the first and third Friday of every month, Joe delivers refills on all aspects of voice acting and succeeding in voice-over. Check out past episodes here.

And you can sign up here to receive email alerts to to future MO-JOE Friday videos, plus all new VoiceOverXtra news and how-to articles.

BTW: VoiceOverXtra presents Joe Loesch's Voice-Over Booth Camp Online and regional workshops nationwide. Did you miss our recent webinar on Character Voices for Audiobooks and Animation? No problem: Click here to obtain the recording of this 2-hour fascinating inter-active event.

Also learn VO with a subscription to Voice Over Booth Camp videos here. While you're there, please LIKE us!

And for more about training personally with Joe Loesch, please visit


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Comments (1)
Neil K. Hess
5/4/2018 at 6:19 PM
A good piece of advice. I was working on an elearning project when another talent ended up not editing their submission. The producer asked me if I could help edit the audio files. I said "yes" and now that producer comes back to me over and over again (I think) because I stepped up, said "yes" and helped them out of a jam. People remember things like that, and it usually pays dividends.
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