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VO-BS Tonight: What's It REALLY
Like To Live And Work VO In L.A.?
August 15, 2016

(VOXtra) - It may be your dream to personally work the voice over biz in Los Angeles - but would there be a rude awakening if the dream came true?

Tonight's Voice Over Body Shop (VO-BS) webcast (starting at 9 pm ET / 6 pm PT at features two popular voice talents and industry personalities who recently got off the bus in L.A. and (spoiler alert) are doing fine.

Voice talent Joe Zieja hit L.A. a year ago - about the same time that Home Studio Master and voice talent Dan Lenard left Buffalo, NY and set up a spanking new studio in L.A. where he and George Whittam (audio consultant to the stars) co-host the weekly VO-BS webcast.

On tonight's show, Joe and Dan will compare notes about their new digs - including what L.A. is really like as a base for voice talents, and how to move ahead there and stay relevant.

"Plus, we'll answer home voice over studio tech questions, look at what's up in VO tech, and deliver the VoiceOverXtra news of the week," adds Dan.

Send you questions now or during the webcast to

Every Monday night, the entertaining and informative weekly webcast invites guests to its metro Los Angeles studio or interviews them online about all things voice over. A lively Chat Room becomes a side show in itself.

The online event starts at 9 p.m. Eastern; 8 p.m. Central; 7 p.m. Mountain; 6 p.m. Pacific.

Past shows can also be viewed any time on YouTube and at the VO-BS website:

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Comments (1)
Macky Bradley
8/15/2016 at 11:17 PM
Wow, Dan and George,
My first time to view VOBS! So informative and not boring! Enjoyed Joe Z. Special Guest was very entertaining.
Thanks, keep up the great work.
If you guys ever come to Austin, you can buy the barbque!
Take care,
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