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VO Peeps Offers 3 Registration Scholarships
To VO Atlanta 2023: Entry Deadlines Soon
January 10, 2023

(VOXtra) - Three voice actors will experience the VO Atlanta 2023 Conference for free - winners of scholarships announced yesterday by the VO Peeps Career Education Scholarship Fund

Celebrating its 10th anniversary, VO Atlanta 2023 (March 23-26 at the Hilton Atlanta Airport) is the voice over industry's largest annual conference, presented this year by new owner ACE Events (J. Michael and Anna Collins) Conference details.
Note: Discounted rooms have already sold out at the Hilton Atlanta Airport, but discounts are available at nearby hotels with shuttle service to the conference hotel.
VO Peeps is a voice over training organization founded by voice actor/coach/producer Anne Ganguzza (pictured above).

"VO Peeps is proud to partner with Anna and J. Michael for a chance to win one of three scholarships to this amazing event," Ganguzza says. "It gives me great joy to be able to support the growth and development of up-and-coming voice actors."

Applications for the scholarships opened January 9 and will close Monday, January 30. Only the first 50 submissions for each scholarship will be accepted. And the scholarships will be awarded on February 13.


The three scholarships are:

The Carol Joy Memorial Scholarship National (U.S. residents only)
"In loving memory of Carol Joy Knizek" this scholarship awards one VIP registration to VO Atlanta 2023, including access to all panels, breakout sessions and networking activities - a $549 total value. Note: X-Session fees not included.

International Scholarship (voice over artists residing outside the U.S.)
This scholarship awards one VIP registration to VO Atlanta 2023, including access to all panels, breakout sessions and networking activities - a $549 total value. Note: X-Session fees not included.

Youth Scholarship
This scholarship awards one Youth registration to VO Atlanta 023, including access to all panels, breakout sessions and networking activities - a $349 total value. Note: X-Session fees are not included.

If you've already registered for the conference, you can still apply for a scholarship. If you win, your scholarship will be applied to VO Atlanta 2024.

Click here for entry details, or visit and click the VO Peeps Scholarship button.

Good luck!

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