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In Wednesday Report: Audiobook Narrators
Tell What's Good & Bad About The Business

September 8, 2015

(VOXtra) - If you narrate audiobooks, you might want to see if you agree with comments about what's good and bad about the audiobook industry - and learn what other narrators are experiencing - in a report to be posted on Wednesday (September 9) by VoiceOverXtra ( - the voice over industry's online news, training and resource center.

This is the final report in a series of five, based on VoiceOverXtra's Audiobook Narrators Business Survey 2015, conducted earlier this year. Previous reports are available now at the links below, covering narrator experience, how narrators work, what they earn, how to reach and work with major publishers, and more.

As earlier reported, the audiobook industry today is skyrocketing, with sales doubling in both 2012 and 2013 to an estimated $1.3 billion in U.S. retail sales in 2013, according to the Audio Publishers Association. And research organization IBISWorld pegs 2014 audiobook sales at $2 billion, growing 12.7% nationally.

But how are a key element on the audiobook team - the narrators - faring? That's what the survey reports detail.

In the upcoming Report #5, several threads run through a majority of comments, including a feeling that the industry is awash in "sup-par" narrators and poor production quality. Yet there's one key element that most narrators share and which keeps them in the game.

In advance of the final report, these earlier findings are available now:

See Report 1: Levels Of Experience, What And How They Narrate
See Report 2: What Narrators Earn, Methods of Compensation
See Report 3: Are Narrators Satisfied With Earnings?
See Report 4: Breaking Into The Majors - How To Get Work

To ensure you see Report #5 - plus future news and how-to articles from VoiceOverXtra - you can click here for free article alerts.

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