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Why Isn't Your Voice Over Demo
Getting You Work And Agents?

Note: The author will present the session, How to Find Your Signature Voice Over Personality, at Voice Over Virtual, the giant three-day online conference in September. Please click for details.

By Deb Munro
Voice Actor & Trainer

So you have your demo, now what? Why isn't the work just coming in? 

You were told to get a killer demo. You spent the time and money to get it, and you've been shopping it out to "everywhere" - and nothing! 

Perhaps you're getting a bit of work but few bites?


Many things can contribute to poor demo response. For instance:

Not meeting the market's needs. The first possible reason to consider, of course, is if your demo is current with today's market needs.

Did your demo team understand the needs of the marketplace you are targeting - or their local market only? Your demo length, style and content are very important, and creating just the right demo material is nearly an art in itself. 

Not capturing your personality. The second thing to consider is if it's captured enough of your unique personalities while still bringing out your signature personality? Is there variety?

Be sure to work with your demo team prior to recording your demo so they can pull out your true personality.  

Lack of demo quality. The third consideration is audio quality. Sometimes you can get a really good production team that truly knows production, but that doesn't always mean they know how to showcase talent more than the production. 

Not being ready? The fourth, and one of the most important concerns, is whether the talent is ready to voice a demo.

Unfortunately, many will produce a demo before they are ready - in other words, skilled enough to attract business.