VO BIZ eCourse - FREE LESSON #4 Metrics Matter: How To Track Your Biz Progress. Need To Shift Gears? Free Video & Worksheet April 22, 2014 (VOXtra) - How fast is your voice over career moving? How much fuel are you using - and how much fuel remains? In Metrics Matter - the free Video #4 (below) in VoiceOverXtra's new Voice Over Business Success eCourse taught by pro biz coach / voice actor Ron Minatrea - Ron examines how to measure, or track, the progress of your voice over career. For instance, are you truly accomplishing your daily, weekly or monthly goals? It's hard to know that answer without collecting and analyzing the right data. Ron compares this to driving a car. The speedometer reveals how fast you're moving ... the fuel gauge tells you what you've put into the business (expenses) and what's needed to keep moving. These are simple metrics of operating your vehicle. Now shift to your VO business, and collect data on:
The video and hands-on worksheet (also below) explain more, and how to do this. ENJOY ENTIRE eCOURSE These free lessons are offered every Tuesday this month, leading up to hands-on, live webinars on April 29 and May 1, when we'll dive deeply into strategic action planning, how t |
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