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10 Tips To Maintain Your
Vocal Health This Summer
July 10, 2013

By Ann S. Utterback, Ph.D.
Voice Specialist
Author, Broadcaster's Survival Guide

Summer can be a difficult time with the heat and humidity. If you want to continue sounding great, try these tips ...

1. Keep your vocal tract moist by drinking half your body weight in ounces of decaffeinated, nonalcoholic fluid a day (for more on fluid intake check out this post).

2.  If you have allergies or get a summer cold, limit throat clearing and coughing.

3.  Do not talk loudly or yell in noisy environments such as outdoor sporting events or clubs.

4. Use a pitch that is comfortable and does not cause vocal fatigue. If you get hoarse after a day of voicing, you may be using an unnatural pitch. See a physician if hoarseness, pain, or odd sensations in the throat last for more than two weeks. Take hoarseness seriously.

5.  Get at least seven hours of sleep each night. That’s the minimum that doctors recommend.  Go for more when you can.

6.  Ramp up your protein intake for better overall energy and great vocal energy.

7. Avoid milk products two hours before on-air work because they may cause more mucous in your throat.

8.  Keep up an exercise program, but if you’re exercising outside and it’s hot, do it early in the morning or late in the evening. 

9.  Practice abdominal-diaphragmatic breathing to decrease tension in the laryngeal area.

10.  And the most important tip of all:  Don’t smoke or expose yourself to the smoke of others. 

Now - enjoy summer!
Ann S. Utterback, Ph.D., is a voice specialist with more than 40 years experience and has helped hundreds of people make the most of their voices, working with broadcasters, voice over artists and podcasters around the world. An author of eight books and over 50 articles on voice, her Broadcaster's Survival Guide e-book offers more tips on dealing with holiday stress, plus advice on how to improve your voice over performance by making simple lifestyle changes.

Click for: Broadcaster's Survival Guide

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Comments (3)
Ann S. Utterback
7/18/2013 at 3:58 PM
Thanks for your kind words, Marie! I'm glad my info is helpful.

And, Reuven, your tips are great! You're exactly right about over cooled or heated studios. I have even gotten a stiff neck from hotel air conditioning. All something to consider when you're making your living with your voice :-)
Marie Hoffman
7/10/2013 at 9:59 AM
I always love reading Ann's articles. She has so much helpful info.
Reuven Miller
7/10/2013 at 2:01 AM
11. Avoid air conditioning where possible. In my experience, over-airconditioned studios, especially coming in from the boiling hot street, will dry out your voice like nothing else (see #1) - plus, will leave you that much more susceptible to upper respiratory issues (see #2). By the way, the reverse applies in the winter, regarding over-heated studios versus ice-cold streets.
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