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Seven Ways To Stand Out As A
Voice Actor In This Competitive Business
October 2, 2018

By Kate McClanaghan

When you first came to voice-over you may have thought it was all about the ability to parrot famous stars, create cartoony characters at a moments notice, or mimic any accent under the sun.

While these talents and skills are impressive (and can be very useful), it may have surprised you to learn that they aren't the primary skills required to keep you steadily employed as a voice talent.  

The irony is that many of us spend six to eight years or more training to "become someone else" as actors, and the primary thing asked of us, once we're out in the field, is to "just be ourselves." 

Or maybe you thought being a successful voice talent was solely dependent on having a remarkably mellifluous voice that cooed through every commercial, corporate narration, and announcement.

Well, it wouldn't hurt, but to be honest there are at least 7 things that make you stand out as a voice actor. Such as:  

1. The Ability To Be You

As dull as it may seem at first, you being you is the most desirable thing you can be. You're the only one of YOU!

Everything on the page should sound like it just occurred to you, rather than the client putting words in your mouth.

Certainly, your ability to assume a believable point-of-view that may be a dramatic departure from your own is the job of every professional actor. Most often, with a