AUDIOBOOK NARRATORS BUSINESS SURVEY 2015 Respondents' Comments To Question #6: If You Do Not Belong To A Union, Does Non-Membership Enhance Or Diminish Your Chances Of Obtaining Audiobook Projects? 5/20/2015
Respondents to the VoiceOverXtra Audiobook Narrators Business Survey - 2015 made the following comments to Question 6. For the accompanying article, please click here.

I assume union
membership would increase opportunities for high paying jobs, but i don't
- Has had no effect on my business.
I do not join unions.
Diminishes the chances of obtaining
better paying projects, in my opinion.
- Neither enhances or diminishes
- not sure
- No idea as yet
does not matter
I think that if a new narrator was
willing to work for a low rate of $50 PFH
he/she would be offered zillions of projects.
- Don't know.
- Union work means not working unless
you're an elite and union membership does not guarantee eliteness.
- You get
hired because your the best person for the project.
- I don't know, really.
- I certainly don't
think it's ever gotten in my way.
- I could be wrong, but I book lots of work,
and I've never been told I needed to be Union for a gig.
- unsure of chances
- Don't know.
- I don't feel like it has any effect on
my chances of getting an audio book job.
UK based where Union Membership probably
enhances my reputation ... here Union Membership does appear to give some
kind of quality recognition, but there are no guarantees.
No influence
Too soon to tell
- Seems to have no bearing
- Membership seems to open up more
opportunities to be Listed and to network, however, I'm not convinced that
membership alone results in any kind of increased work opportunity.
- Union insurance benefits are predicated on
earnings, I believe.
- Most of the
networking/ training conferences, Union sponsored or not, are independently
operated and priced separately. And the major publishers don't seem to care
if you're Union affiliated, their bottom line is the amount of quality audio
you can produce.
- Actually, the union negotiated with Bee
Audio to raise the normal cpfh to $210. This benefited all Bee narrators,
including non-union.
I don't know if belonging to a union
enhances chances of employment.
Neither that I can tell.
I have never belonged to a union, so I
cannot answer this question.
In the short time I've been working as a
freelance voice actor, I have not noticed any impact on obtaining gigs. However, it seems that perhaps the
"honey" jobs are kept within those union-based enclaves, accessible
only via who knows you.
I don't think it makes a difference if
you're Union or non Union
- I have no comparison.
I think it neither enhances or
diminishes chances.
I don't think it matters either way.
I'm not sure yet
- Not being famous, my books will be
lower-budget - so publishers and
authors may well perceive a cost advantage in a non-union reader.
- Ethically, I would rather belong to a union.
- Diminishes chances with the large
publishing companies. However, it does
not make any difference with ACX.
- In the case of
audiobooks, I've done better in a right-to-work state as a union talent.
- I
seem to do better in audiobooks than in any other genre as a GA talent.
it hasn't hurt my employability to date.
i've stayed steadily busy alongside my full-time teaching job.
- Don't know
I'm still too green to know.
Currently, I am only doing projects via
acx, hence I am not aware of an impact
I am not sure - I do plan to join SAG
AFTRA this year though.
- I am very
fortunate to be offered more work than I can take on.
- I think neither!
- I have been encouraged to join the union
by one producer I work for.
- Don't know.
- Not being Union seems to help with
lower-end books.
I obtain most contracts through ACX,
which has union-sanction contracts in place.
- I don't believe it would be a
help or hindrance.
I have found that being non-union
doesn't preclude you from projects through ACX, but does diminish the chances
through some of the larger publishing companies.
- Not applicable
Union status had way less impact on
getting audio books than knowing the right people.
- Union member
Makes no difference.
- Don't know enough to answer.
- Neither, again, tho if I had to pick
door 1 or 2 I'd pick 2.
- Sorry to
editorialize here for a moment, but the biggest wild card in the insane world
of audio books is the fact that talentless people are now narrating who would
never have been hired as recently as six to ten years ago. Audio books are by far the most difficult
area of voice work, yet but that fact seems to be lost on people in charge of
the casting process.
- Many channels available that don't
require union membership, but blocks you from those that do, I assume.
At my lower level, union membership is
not a requirement, so it neither enhances nor diminishes.
I wish I knew.
I have no idea. I'm not even certain how
to get audiobooks from the big guys.
- neither is true
I'm still sussing this out . . . I may
see the results of this survey and decide to join a union
- It's not clear that non-membership has
any impact - positive or negative.
- Unsure, as I have no experience with
I don't believe it makes much difference
I don't believe that either is true.
- Authors don't know the difference, and that is how I have gotten my
- I begrudgingly agree with
"enhance." However, I have no experience to base this thought.
I have no idea. All I know is I get cast
one after another. Feeling very lucky.
- I don't think it makes any difference.
No way to know
Quite possibly enhances chances for
Brilliance Audio.
- Being non-union does not seem to affect
my ability to get "union" audiobook work. Probably because
audiobooks fall into a grey area with the union.
No opinion
- unknown at this time
- Not sure. I will join union if there are
advantages. I do not need the benefits
the union has valiantly negotiated - so that is not a draw for me.
I belong to SAG-AFTRA.
I understand that being in the union
means you can not take non union jobs
I don't think it matters.
I do not know. I have not compared.
I assume being part of the Union means
you aren't supposed to take lower-paying jobs
No idea how this might or might not
impact my prospects.
- I plan to join SAG/AFTRA this year.
No difference.
Neither if I understand Union rules
- not sure, but hoping to join SAG-AFTRA
this year. I am qualified, just trying
to justify the cost!
- I do not belong to a union.
- I believe
Union membership is neutral with respect to audiobook narration; I believe it
neither enhances nor diminishes opportunities.
- It makes no difference.
- Unsure
Don't know. May increase the chances
because the fees are really quite low for the amount of work required.
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