CAREER Mid-Year Self-Evaluation: Did You Set Achievable Voice Over Career Goals? Get Real - Four Tips June 23, 2016 By Rick Lance Voice Actor Let me start by stating the obvious: goal setting is an important part of finding success in any career. Having something to work toward will help keep you on track and motivated in your quest for success. Here’s the thing, though. Not all goals are created equally, and some are better than others. When you’re planning for your voice over future, be sure to set smart goals for yourself that will actually help propel your career. Here’s what to keep in mind when outlining your overall plan for success - or for reviewing the goals you set earlier in the year. 1. Goals need to be realistic. Sure, it would be great to make $100,000 your first year, or for your first gig to be the featured voice in a well-known ad campaign. But the truth is, neither of these are likely to happen. Most VO careers start off slow, and you’re lucky to take whatever jobs you can get. When setting initial goals for yourself at the beginning of your career, don’t shoot for the moon. Make them reasonable and realistic; you want goals that you can actually accomplish. 2. You can still dream big, though. Just because you set realistic goals for yourself doesn’t mean it hurts to dream a little. Challenging yourself with bigger aspirations can be a great motivating tool that can give you that extra little push you need to do better. As time goes by and you get more familiar with the industry - and your place within it - push yourself. Adjust your goals to make them more challenging so you can meet those bigger aspirations head on. Which brings me to my next point... 3. Keep goals flexible. Smart goals are not set in stone. They are flexible, because life is flexible. Things are always changing, and your goals should be able to change with it. Let’s say one of your monthly goals was to get booked for a radio spot, but right now you’ve got plenty of e-book recordings to handle. Instead of focusing single-mindedly on that radio gig, which probably won’t h |
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