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Take Notes: THIS Is How To Create And
Achieve Your 2018 Voice Over Goals

January 2, 2017

(VOXtra) - How can we not feel jaded about New Year's Resolutions, when we traditionally break so many of them?

It's especially unsettling when those ignored resolutions began as energetic boosters to our voice over career.

Well, finally: here's how to make and achieve lasting resolutions and goals for business - and life.

Long-time VoiceOverXtra followers know Ron Minatrea as an inspirational webinar leader, speaker, author and business coach. (He's a former voice talent, too.) And we also know him today as Associate Producer of the annual VO Atlanta Voiceover Conference (this year, March 1-4).

In the following brief video, Ron clearly shares how to create and achieve our goals for 2018 and beyond ...

Ron Minatrea is a leadership speaker and consultant committed to changing the world by changing the workplace. He brings new life to organizations by helping people thrive - both personally and professionally. As a former Fortune 100 executive, leading global operations and responsible for shipping over $20 billion a year, he became known for his ability to envision and rally teams - even in challenging times. Also a former voice talent, he returns this year as both a presenter and the Associate Producer of the VO Atlanta Voiceover Conference. And he invites voice talent to join his Leadership Tips community (see link below).

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Comments (1)
1/3/2018 at 4:21 PM
Thank you, Ron. I appreciate your clear and simple insight into goal setting and where to place our focus and direct our energy. I have long been aware of Be-Do-Have as a process for having the things you want in life. Your perspective breaks down the process of being, into more palatable and specific achievements and action steps.

It's easy to run around all day "doing," but as you point out, the place to get super clear is the becoming. Who are you or who do you wish to become? Once you know where you're going, the rest is cake.

Great stuff. Thanks again,

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