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MO-JOE Friday Videos, Episode 10:
How To Maximize Your 'Money Voice'

November 3, 2017

Joe Loesch - popular voice talent, director, producer and voice over coach - delivers MO-JOE Friday videos here on the first and third Fridays of every month. Come back for MO-JOE refills on all aspects of voice acting and succeeding in voice over.

VoiceOverXtra also presents Joe's popular Voice Over Booth Camp workshops to voice talents around the U.S. A day at VO Booth Camp is strategic voice over training - the ideal way to start or refresh a VO career. Details about upcoming events TBA.

For a direct link to future MO-JOE Friday videos, you can sign up here to receive email alerts to all new VoiceOverXtra news and how-to articles.

And for more about Joe Loesch and to contact him, please visit


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Comments (3)
Joe Loesch
11/6/2017 at 8:42 AM
Thanks for your comments. It helps me to know what topics are of interests and how they are perceived.
Conchita Congo
11/4/2017 at 10:37 AM
Joe Loesch's advice is spot on. Since I come to trust my natural voice & project it with confidence,
my VO career has gained momentum. Thank you, Joe!
Jim Conlan
11/3/2017 at 10:56 AM
More good advice, Joe, for both newbies and pro's. One of the hardest questions a performer can ask is "Who am I," and you make it question number 1. Often overlooked by coaches is finding what you're most comfortable with. The kind of material we find easy may not be so easy for others. The potential for uniqueness is what makes it at least theoretically possible for a large number of voice-over artists to make a living.
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